Yes, that's right. I have such a little life, and such a big amount of time on my hands, that I decided to make a social scale. This scale, I'm presuming, works generally in most schools, but I wouldn't really know. If it doesn't, then I'm guessing I'm kind of stuffed, aren't I? Now, into serious mode...
Every school has a social scale. If you don't believe your school has one you are, quite frankly, in denial. This is probably because you're somewhat kind, and choose not to believe such "stereotypical things" (as much as it is stereotypical, it is true). However, more than likely, it may be due to the fact that you are at the bottom of the scale, and are in denial to such a thing. Either way, the social scale still exists. Unfortunately.
To put it simply, there are eleven categories; inside these are sub-categories, but we'll come to those later. The categories go as followed, first mentioned being the highest in the social scale, and last mentioned being, unfortunately, the lowest:
- Populars
- Friends of the populars
- Liked by everybody
- Wanna-be's
- "Rebels"
- Gossipers
- (Stereotypical) Fangirls
- Nerds
- Hated people
- Underclass
- Nutcases
Now that we have that covered, let's discuss in a bit further detail what each of the people positioned in these categories represent. We'll start from the lowest, and work our way upwards from then on.
To begin with, are our nutcases. Though these people may be genuinely nice, once you've been classed as a nutcase, there's no chance of anybody seeing you as anything otherwise. To become a nutcase, as such, you'd have to have done something pretty weird. An example is, at my school, there is an extremely tall boy in year eight, who runs around the school grounds a lot, stating he's a monster and that he should be feared. He also happened to fall asleep during a school concert once, and oh, how I wish I was making this up. Often enough, these nutcases get ridiculed by the "rebels" and above, and just as usually, they don't care.
Next, we have the underclass. Now these people aren't particularly hated, but rather, seem to grind on just about everyone's nerves. Occasionally, the people who are liked by everybody talk to them, though this is presumably just to make sure that they don't have anything against them. Everybody has a reputation to keep. That's essential to remember.
Following on, are our hated people. This is on the basis that they are generally hated by people at school: not everybody hates them. There are sub-categories here, which will now be established, and go as shown:
This could be because they have, or formerly, bullied somebody above their rank on the social scale. For example, we have a girl at my school who has tried to split many friendship groups, has called more than enough people fat, and has joined it egging somebody's house. Not a very nice person, and so, you could say she deserves it. Many people at my school think so. If they do apologize for what they have done, however, I will take back such thing, and say they don't deserve it.
This could be because they are overweight, or due to their sexuality, or a physical attribute they can't change. Either way, it's ridiculous, and these people are hated, only because they don't fit society's norms.
We then proceed to have our nerds. You are placed in this category if you have been called a nerd at least nine to ten times in the past year or so. Though nerds are low on the social scale, they do often interact with those above them, as they are believed to have test answers and so on. Please, do welcome back our sub-categories:
- Nerds who are nerds because they are smart:
These people actually aren't nerds, but because they are intelligent, they are classed as so. Not much else to say.
- Nerds who are nerds because they like nerdy things:
These people can also be placed in the fangirl category, but are mostly positioned here due to the fact that they fangirl over what may be considered as nerdy to other people. Examples: Doctor Who, Portal, Lord of the Rings, Sherlock.
An example is me. I am both smart and enjoy nerdy things more than others. Usually these nerds find most enjoyment talking to other nerds of their kind, a few exceptions being made here and there.
Fangirls are just about on the same level as nerds, only millimeters above; this is because they obsess over things that are not nerdy. This works as an advantage to these fangirls, as many people on the social scale above them will also like these things, and rare opportunities will arrive for the fangirls to move up the ladder. If they want to, that is. On the subject, nerds very rarely go up the social scale, for the pure reason that they don't want to. I know for sure that me, and my friends, are pretty happy and content with where we are now.
Examples of what these fangirls obsess over include: One Direction, YouTubers (nerds also obsess over YouTubers, but the YouTubers fangirls obsess over include danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil, and also, JennaMarbles), Justin Bieber. These fangirls also like to pretend they know a thing or two about Tumblr.. they don't.
Moving on, are the gossipers. Gossipers usually stay hidden, but are higher up on the social scale as they interact more with what we call the populars, for the obvious reason that they know the latest news. It is actually a mystery to me to how they receive this information, but I am going to presume that they use their 'friends', varying in their positions on the social scale, squeezing every last bit of gossip out of them. After the gossipers know something, there's no stopping the rumours from spreading round like wildfire. And trust me, they always do.
"Rebels" come next, and ,please, take extra notice of the quotation marks. By rebels, I mean this:
The time of people, usually boys attempting to impress their classmates, doing stupid things mostly during lessons. They think they're funny, but really, they're not: fact.
Overall, the "rebels" definition of funny is shouting something inappropriate out in class, or at absolute most, standing up on their chair. Yes, I am serious. The most extreme thing ever to happen was a boy called Kensey, in my class last year, walking out of a lesson, and running down the corridor like a maniac, before hiding. Bare in mind, that I was in top set. *slow claps*
They also have a thing for annoying people to no end, usually and most likely people around the nerds categorization; the best thing we can do, as collective nerds, is ignore (and ridicule, ha) them.
Ah, the wanna-be's come next, and they are possibly the worst of the worst. Somehow, they believe themselves to be more popular than they ever will be, and are surprisingly arrogant, given how many people strongly dislike them. I'd like to say there were sub-categories of wanna-be's, but sadly, at my school, there are not. For some unknown reason, I am hated by just about everybody in this group but, to be frank, I don't really care.
Now, is probably our smallest category, that being the liked-by-everybody type of people. They're sub-categorized into two majorly different categories:
- The genuinely nice people:
These people usually tend to hang around with the friends of the populars, but not so much the populars themselves. They, unlike the other liked-by-everybody type, are loyal and also trustworthy, and all in all would make very good members of the Hufflepuff house.
Now, I know, I know, just because people are Slytherins, this does not make them evil. However, in this case, these people are sly and cunning like a Slytherin, and also evil, therefore making them the evil Slytherins I have previously referenced them as. They're two-faced, pretending they're genuinely nice.. but not really. They talk to the populars and spread your secrets amongst your friends, faster than you could say your own name. Unless your name is an extremely long name, in which case, you're irrelevant.
We're beginning to approach the ending of the social scale; however, it is far from over. Friends of the populars are categorized with the name because they are what they're said to be. They are friends of popular people, but are not popular enough themselves to be on the same level as them. I've said popular way too many times, and now I feel like a fool. Silly me. Usually these friends are lifelong, and they tend to have known each other since early years (nursery and reception).
And finally, behold... THE POPULAR PEOPLE. I'm cringing at the underlining there, but it needed to be done, the emphasis needed to be created. However pathetic it may seem, these people really do rule the school. Even if they don't know it, people sometimes cower at their presence, intimidated by their power. In a way, it's what makes school feel more like a death sentence, than anything. Upsetting times.
Occasionally, there will be exceptions in this scale, such as making room for the odd goth or two, or the average-ish person who really doesn't fit anywhere. In that case, they're kind of a muggle. Or rather, a squib. They know what's happening in this world, surrounded by a bubble, and they're stuck on the outside of it.
And there you have it, my pathetic social scale. Indeed, that's what I do with my life; indeed, I am proud. Adios, and good night, my non-existent readers. Don't judge me too hard for this post; I found it so hilariously fun to write.