Thursday, 9 May 2013

Twitter Follows & What Not

I'm very chuffed right now, and do you want to know why? ..No? Too bad! The Generationals, my absolute favourite indie rock duo, followed me on Twitter! I remember the moment like it was half an hour ago: that's because it was. It was surprisingly easy, actually, considering I looked through their following list and the majority were verified singers and so on. All I did was tweet them and then I looked at my phone later and there it was. 
@generationals is now following you!
Needless to say, I was close to tears. And so, I have now DM'ed them about 6 times just saying thank you and being a tosser, like my usual idiotic self. Hopefully I won't scare them off. Just as proof, I want to show you this:

Continuing on swiftly, I'd once again like to bring up the whole acceptance into a new friendship group thing. However, this time, it's in a positive light. Yes! I, Amy, bearer of all thoughts negative, have something positive to say; it sounds crazy, but it's true.

Yet again, I finally feel more accepted than I ever have been before. I feel like I'm finally getting to know everybody, and I feel like I don't need to cling onto that of Amy and Leoni as much. Of course, I still talk to them just as regularly, I just mean, I don't feel the need to only talk to them, in case of intimidation and so on. If you get my drift.

Also, guess what else happened today? I was ready 20 minutes early. Usually, I'm bloody 20 minutes late, nevermind early. Seriously, this day is just full of surprises. Oh, and I got an 8.2 in my science assessment, which was the highest level in the class, where I drew par with one of my friends, Elizabeth. The hilarious thing is that previous times I really did try my hardest to revise and do well, and always ended up just slightly above average. And now I don't try at all, I get an extremely high level I never thought I was capable of, in science. I think life is trying to tell me something. Procrastination is a good thing, even if it's to the extent of not doing what you needed to do at all. Or perhaps not. I can't see myself getting very far in life with that attitude... but whatever.

Hmm, anything else? Other than my slightly less than interesting tales of making friends with plants, and stereotypical evil librarians, I think that's it. Goodbye for now!

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